Cat­a­log gen­er­a­tor

Cat­a­logue da­ta in dif­fer­ent ways to Data­Ex­pert®BIM

The IGH (In­ter­es­sen­ge­mein­schaft Daten­ver­bund) pro­vides many ways to de­liv­er the cat­a­logue in­for­ma­tion. In each case, the da­ta is read in­to the IGH data­base, val­i­dat­ed and pre­pared for pub­li­ca­tion.

Ex­cel tem­plates

In ad­di­tion to the ex­ist­ing tem­plate for an Ex­cel de­liv­ery, we have cre­at­ed a sim­pler tem­plate that con­tains all the re­quired da­ta in one tab (see tem­plates).

Free Ex­cel

The re­quired cat­a­logue da­ta can be de­liv­ered in any Ex­cel for­mat. Ar­bi­trary in this con­text refers to the num­ber of tabs and avail­able columns. This al­so in­cludes ARGE-Ex­cel, which is used in ex­change with ARGE Neue Me­di­en.

BME­cat and ETIM

The cat­a­logue can al­so be sup­plied as a BME­cat file, which is of­ten used in Eu­rope. Here, a com­bi­na­tion with the price and reg­is­ter up­date is al­so pos­si­ble, if you can­not pro­vide Swiss price in­for­ma­tion in the BME­cat file. With the de­liv­ery of the ETIM clas­si­fi­ca­tion in a BME­cat file, the ex­ist­ing cat­a­logue da­ta is en­riched with the ETIM da­ta. The ETIM clas­si­fi­ca­tion has been added to the Data­Ex­pert® and Data­Ex­pert®BIM cat­a­logue for­mats and is thus in­clud­ed in every cat­a­logue pub­li­ca­tion.

The right for­mat for every soft­ware part­ner

The for­mats Data­Ex­pert®BIM and Data­Ex­pert®Kat­a­log are made avail­able in par­al­lel. This will re­main the case in the com­ing years in or­der to be able to reach every cus­tomer with the cat­a­logues. Our soft­ware part­ners are in the process of con­vert­ing their im­port func­tion to the BIM for­mat.