Catalog generator

Catalogue data in different ways to DataExpert®BIM

The IGH (Interessengemeinschaft Datenverbund) provides many ways to deliver the catalogue information. In each case, the data is read into the IGH database, validated and prepared for publication.

Excel templates

In addition to the existing template for an Excel delivery, we have created a simpler template that contains all the required data in one tab (see templates).

Free Excel

The required catalogue data can be delivered in any Excel format. Arbitrary in this context refers to the number of tabs and available columns. This also includes ARGE-Excel, which is used in exchange with ARGE Neue Medien.

BMEcat and ETIM

The catalogue can also be supplied as a BMEcat file, which is often used in Europe. Here, a combination with the price and register update is also possible, if you cannot provide Swiss price information in the BMEcat file. With the delivery of the ETIM classification in a BMEcat file, the existing catalogue data is enriched with the ETIM data. The ETIM classification has been added to the DataExpert® and DataExpert®BIM catalogue formats and is thus included in every catalogue publication.

The right format for every software partner

The formats DataExpert®BIM and DataExpert®Katalog are made available in parallel. This will remain the case in the coming years in order to be able to reach every customer with the catalogues. Our software partners are in the process of converting their import function to the BIM format.