Cat­a­logue view­er

With the web ap­pli­ca­tion, all IGH cat­a­logues can be viewed. A se­lec­tion of prod­ucts can be com­bined in a project and processed fur­ther elec­tron­i­cal­ly.

Con­nec­tion to IGH451 stan­dard

The web ap­pli­ca­tion al­lows free and un­re­strict­ed ac­cess to all cat­a­logues in Data­Ex­pert®BIM for­mat. Reg­is­tered users can cre­ate and save project-re­lat­ed prod­uct lists and, if de­sired, or­der them on­line. This en­ables fur­ther pro­cess­ing in­de­pen­dent of time and lo­ca­tion.

Di­rect link can al­so be used to di­rect­ly dis­play spe­cif­ic in­di­vid­ual cat­a­logues down to in­di­vid­ual prod­ucts via a com­pos­ite link.

Ba­sic link:

Cri­te­ria for cat­a­logue se­lec­tion are:

  • Sup­pli­er: id_anbieter=1900 (Mem­ber list)
  • Price book no.: &preisbuch_nr=1
  • Lan­guage code: &code_sprache=de

{ba­sic link}id_anbieter=1900&preisbuch_nr=1&code_sprache=de

Fur­ther pos­si­ble se­lec­tion cri­te­ria for a fin­er se­lec­tion:

  • Ar­ti­cle num­ber: &artnr=620.020.00.1
  • De­scrip­tion: &Bez=Schlauch
  • EAN-No.: &EAN=4025416138952

{cat­a­logue link}&artnr=620.020.00.1

The or­der of the in­di­vid­ual cri­te­ria is not rel­e­vant.

Plug-in: Ex­port file to down­load di­rec­to­ry

With, the prod­ucts com­bined in a project can be ex­port­ed in a pre­de­fined for­mat.

Ba­sic link:

Cri­te­ria for cat­a­logue se­lec­tion are:

  • Sup­pli­er: id_anbieter=1900 (Mem­ber list)
  • Price book no: &preisbuch_nr=1
  • Lan­guage code: &code_sprache=de

{Ba­sic link}id_anbieter=1900&preisbuch_nr=1&code_sprache=de

Fur­ther pos­si­ble se­lec­tion cri­te­ria for a fin­er se­lec­tion (can, but does not have to be ap­plied):

  • Ar­ti­cle num­ber: &artnr=620.020.00.1
  • De­scrip­tion: &Bez=Schlauch
  • EAN-No.: &EAN=4025416138952

{Cat­a­logue link}&EAN=4025416138952

The or­der of the in­di­vid­ual cri­te­ria is not rel­e­vant.

Se­lec­tion cri­te­ri­on ex­port for­mat. It is manda­to­ry to se­lect an ex­ist­ing ex­port for­mat. The fol­low­ing for­mats are cur­rent­ly avail­able:

  • Bexio: &format=bexio
  • Data­Ex­pert®BIM: &format=debim
  • Stock: &format=lager

If you have a need for a for­mat not list­ed, con­tact IGH at and we will try to ac­com­mo­date your re­quest.

Pos­si­ble ex­port link: