The IGH at a glance


As an as­so­ci­a­tion, IGH pur­sues the com­mon goals of its mem­bers. These in­clude stan­dards for B2B da­ta ex­change among mem­bers and their cus­tomers. But al­so services and prod­ucts that en­able and sup­port the ex­change are in­clud­ed in the IGH port­fo­lio. See for your­self in the im­age be­low…

Com­pre­hen­sive view

The fol­low­ing di­a­gram shows the typ­i­cal in­dus­try ap­proach from plan­ning to ex­e­cu­tion that IGH mem­bers are in­volved in. Click on the in­di­vid­ual IGH prod­ucts for more de­tails.

What our mem­bers and part­ners say

Read here why IGH prod­ucts are used.

Ar­bo­nia HVAC AG (Ar­bo­nia, Pro­lux, Ker­mi)

Do­minik Schlumpf

Every­thing is be­com­ing more com­plex, in­clud­ing the HVACSE in­dus­try. IGH brings sim­pli­fi­ca­tion to the work and da­ta process­es. This with its in­ter­faces and oth­er so­lu­tions.

IGH is not com­mer­cial, but rep­re­sents the in­ter­ests of the mem­ber com­pa­nies, which large­ly cov­er the HVAC mar­ket. Al­most every rel­e­vant HVAC sup­pli­er is rep­re­sent­ed with its da­ta at IGH.

This means that they are al­so present in the in­dus­try so­lu­tions of the var­i­ous soft­ware com­pa­nies and thus di­rect­ly at the work­place of plan­ning and in­stalling em­ploy­ees in the HVAC sec­tor.

The sim­ple pro­vi­sion and dis­sem­i­na­tion of da­ta via IGH re­duces our in­ter­nal ef­fort enor­mous­ly.

We have been a con­vinced mem­ber of IGH, the Swiss Da­ta Net­work, for a long time.

Geber­it Ver­triebs AG

Beat Ae­bi

  • Struc­tured and neu­tral ar­ti­cle cat­a­logue of all well-known man­u­fac­tur­ers and deal­ers
  • Proces­sor, ser­vice provider and hoster of ar­ti­cle da­ta cat­a­logues and soft­ware for com­mu­ni­ca­tion
  • Swiss in­dus­try stan­dard for man­u­fac­tur­ers, deal­ers, in­stallers and plan­ners
  • Wide­ly used so­lu­tions and es­tab­lished process­es
  • Very cost-ef­fec­tive and flex­i­ble

Ho­v­al AG

Patrick Schmid

The sales cat­a­logue on­ly needs to be digi­tised once, and IGH then serves a large num­ber of da­ta re­cip­i­ents and in­dus­try soft­ware man­u­fac­tur­ers.

For over 25 years, IGH has en­sured that the elec­tron­ic Ho­v­al cat­a­logue is dis­trib­uted dig­i­tal­ly and in­te­grat­ed in­to var­i­ous so­lu­tions.

San­i­tas Troesch AG

Do­minik Brun­ner

The stan­dards set by IGH help to dri­ve dig­i­tal­i­sa­tion with the high Swiss qual­i­ty and pro­mote Switzer­land as a trad­ing cen­tre.

With the de­fined in­ter­faces of IGH, we can com­mu­ni­cate with our cus­tomers, part­ners and sup­pli­ers in a pa­per­less and cor­re­spond­ing­ly ef­fi­cient man­ner.

Se­cu­ri­ty and trust are im­por­tant as­pects in dig­i­tal­i­sa­tion and thanks to IGH's non-com­mer­cial ori­en­ta­tion, this is guar­an­teed.

Meier To­bler AG

Mar­tin Schanz

The IGH is im­por­tant for us to en­sure da­ta sup­ply in the in­dus­try and to pro­vide a cen­tral data­base for this with its plat­forms.

As a mem­ber, we make our prod­uct da­ta avail­able and have the cat­a­logues pub­lished by IGH.

This has the great ad­van­tage for us that we on­ly have to wor­ry about com­ply­ing with IGH's stan­dards when cre­at­ing the ar­ti­cle mas­ter da­ta.

The da­ta sup­ply and the con­nec­tion to the out­side, for our cus­tomers, is en­sured by IGH or by the soft­ware providers.

IGH en­sures that all ex­ten­sions are com­pat­i­ble with the ex­ist­ing pro­cess­ing pro­ce­dures.

Soft­ware part­ners

In­dus­try ap­pli­ca­tion provider

The im­ple­men­ta­tion of the IGH in­ter­faces en­sures that the en­tire dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tion of the HVAC sec­tor from the cus­tomer to the man­u­fac­tur­er func­tions with­out bar­ri­ers.

Emerg­ing prob­lems or new re­quire­ments are record­ed cen­tral­ly, analysed and solved in co­op­er­a­tion with the soft­ware providers. This en­sures the con­tin­u­ous fur­ther de­vel­op­ment of the in­ter­faces.

Plan­ner and in­staller

Cus­tomers of the IGH mem­bers

Through the IGH in­ter­faces, which are im­ple­ment­ed in the in­dus­try soft­ware, ne­go­ti­at­ed cus­tomer prices can flow di­rect­ly in­to the cal­cu­la­tion in ad­di­tion to the prod­uct da­ta. At the same time, the ad­min­is­tra­tion process (from the of­fer to the or­der to the in­voice) is com­plete­ly dig­i­talised. This leads to a sig­nif­i­cant­ly high­er added val­ue in the busi­ness.



Si­mon Geis­shüsler

su­is­setec sees it­self as the rep­re­sen­ta­tive of plan­ners and in­stallers at IGH and is com­mit­ted to what has been writ­ten above.

With the KG-Web web ap­pli­ca­tion, we al­so make it easy for IGH mem­bers to sub­mit their prod­uct da­ta to su­is­setec via the IGH cat­a­logue.