

The Data­Ex­pert® brand stands for stan­dard­ised da­ta com­mu­ni­ca­tion in the build­ing in­dus­try. It in­cludes the Data­Ex­pert® Web­Ser­vice, its meth­ods as well as all process­es (ikk, en­quiry, quo­ta­tion, or­der, or­der con­fir­ma­tion, call-off, de­liv­ery note, in­voice, cred­it note).

Stan­dard with scope

With the Data­Ex­pert® stan­dard, IGH pro­vides the for­mat on which our soft­ware part­ners (providers of in­dus­try ap­pli­ca­tions) al­so re­ly. This gives us the de­ci­sive edge…