Knowhow Technic Coordination for
standardized data exchange

At a glance

As an as­so­ci­a­tion, IGH pur­sues the com­mon goals of its mem­bers. This in­cludes stan­dards for B2B da­ta ex­change among mem­bers and their cus­tomers. But al­so services and prod­ucts that en­able and sup­port the ex­change are in­clud­ed in the IGH port­fo­lio.

Short por­trait

The In­ter­es­sen­ge­mein­schaft Daten­ver­bund (IGH) is the prod­uct da­ta hub of the build­ing sec­tor (heat­ing, san­i­ta­tion, ven­ti­la­tion, air con­di­tion­ing, plumb­ing and elec­tri­cal). It pro­vides the nec­es­sary com­po­nents for the B2B busi­ness process ex­change of the mem­bers among them­selves and their cus­tomers. You can find the de­vel­op­ment on a time­line here.
