Ex­ter­nal links

Ex­ter­nal web­sites

In­ter­est­ing links to web­sites of com­pa­nies of our mem­bers and IGH-re­lat­ed com­pa­nies of the build­ing services and elec­tri­cal in­dus­try with whom we co­op­er­ate and thus ben­e­fit from syn­er­gies.

Ex­ter­nal links

  • to home­pages of our mem­bers, which of­fer ex­tend­ed in­for­ma­tion on their cat­a­logues.
  • to com­pa­nies with whom we co­op­er­ate but who are nei­ther IGH mem­bers nor soft­ware part­ners.
  • companies/institutions that we con­sid­er in­ter­est­ing for vis­i­tors to our home­page.