Costs for IGH services (clients of IGH mem­bers)

For cus­tomers of IGH mem­bers

For cus­tomers of IGH mem­bers, all services pro­vid­ed by IGH are free of charge.

The fol­low­ing services are free of charge for cus­tomers of IGH mem­bers

  • all cat­a­logues in Data­Ex­pert® for­mat
  • the web ap­pli­ca­tion
  • the DataS­e­lec­tApp (An­droid / iPhone)
  • the We­bAp­pli­ca­tion (val­ida­tor and con­vert­er of process and cat­a­logue da­ta)
  • Web­Ser­vices meth­ods for the process con­nec­tion in used branch ap­pli­ca­tions

- ikk (in­di­vid­ual cus­tomer con­di­tions)
- en­quiries
- of­fers
- pur­chase or­ders
- or­der con­fir­ma­tions
- call-offs
- de­liv­ery notes
- in­voic­es
- cred­it notes